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Link: Class 11 Physics Handwritten Notes
In work energy & Power most important topics are :Work Energy Theorem
Elastic Potential energy of Spring
questions from collision : elastic collisions & In elastic collision in 1-D & 2 -D are important.
Motion along a vertical circle for numericals is important.
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We can provide only material rest part is yours. We tried our best for material. To score good in Physics practice is important. Logical thinking is important for physics.
What are important topics in Work energy & Power?
1.Work energy & Theorem
2.Collision in 1 & 2 dimension
3.Potential energy of a spring
4.Motion along a virtical circle.
What are SI & cgs unit of energy?
Si – joule
cgs – erg
Is friction a conservative force?
No, friction is not a conservative force because work done by conservative force does not depend upon the path followed by object.
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Is only NCERT numericals are sufficient for board exams.
NCERT is an excellent resource for learning theoretical concept of Physics.
But it may not be enough for problem- solving & students need more problems from other resources.
Is it Possible to Pass Physics CBSE Exam by only focussing on theory?
it depends on various factors such as difficulty level of exam, ability to express knowledge by writing.
Will i Pass if I fail in theory?
You will be considered fail. For Passing exam you need to pass in both practical as well as theory.