Moving charges & Magnetism Numericals Test Class 12

In the notes all concepts & topics are explained in easy manner.

Derivations related to Biot savrat law,force between two parallel straight conductor, moving coil galvanometer,conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter & Ammeter are important.

One tip we are providing to you to score better in Physics – firstly read statement of 1 question & then try to solve that question on your own without checking solution.

firstly write all data given in question & then think about question what we have to find? Logical thinking will help you in Physics.

Cramming will not work in Physics.

Most of the students face issue in Numericals in Physics. Reason is that they never try to solve questions on their own. Students always check solution & then they solve Numericals.

lack of written Practice is a major reason for less Marks in Physics. So be honest with your Class work as well as Homework.

In case you face any difficulty in understanding any topic of notes or any step in derivation you can contact us. We will try to help you.

Why should a Voltmeter have high Resistance?

A voltmeter is connected in Parallel. When connected in Parallel it should draw least current otherwise potential difference which it has to measure will change.

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What are dropped topics of Moving Charges & Magnetism for 2023-24?

1.Velocity selector
3.The Toroid
4.Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
5.Exercises 4.14 – 4.28

Is it required to solve each & every problem Of NCERT solutions for Class 12 Chapter-4

Each & every question has different understanding level so on daily basis u should do practice maximum questions as u can.

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