Electromagnetic waves Test 01 Class 12 Physics 2023-24

Electromagnetic waves chapter is one of the shortest chapter of class 12 Physics.

Weightage of this chapter is 2-3 marks for board Exams.

To prepare this chapter you should know meaning of Em waves. How these waves can be produced.

Diagram of Em waves with oscillating Electric & Magnetic field.

You should know properties of Em waves.

Learn Frequency of em waves with the help of frequency you can find out wavelength by using C =ⱱ λ.

To learn Name of Em spectrum you can use following memory aid. “RMIVUXG”

Where R- Radiowaves, M- Microwaves,I- Infra red waves, V – Visible light, U – U. V Radiation, X – X-Ray, G – Gamma rays

For more details n full theory you can visit ” Class 12 Physics Handwritten Notes “

Which EM wave is used as a diagnostic tool in medicine?

X rays

What is the Source of displacement current?

Displacement current exists only when an electric field is changing.

Name the electromagnetic radiations used for (a) water purification
(b) Eye surgery

(a) U-v rays
(b) UV rays / laser

Assignment of em waves class 12 Physics

Important Numericals Questions EMwaves

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